Leave a Legacy

The Summit Road Society is run by volunteers and is dependent on membership subscriptions, grants donations and bequests to carry out its work and to manage our two Port Hills Reserves.

Over the years we have had some very generous donations and bequests, including, in the mid-1990s, sufficient funds to enable us to buy the land that now forms Ohinetahi Reserve.

If you value the Port Hills and support the work of the Summit Road Society and its many hard-working volunteers, please consider making a bequest and talk to your solicitor about leaving us in your will.

Where to make a bequest

Bequests can be made to either:

  • the Summit Road Society,
  • the Harry Ell Summit Road Memorial Trust or
  • Predator Free Port Hills

Please remember to include a reference which allows us to know who made the donation, as well as if you would like it tagged for a specific project or purpose.

Summit Road Society

The Society aims to further the vision of Harry Ell, by working to enhance, preserve and protect the nature, beauty and open character of the hills of Banks Peninsula for people to enjoy.

To make a bequest to the Summit Road Society, please use the bank account:

Summit Road Society: 03-0802-0104055-00

Harry Ell Trust

The Harry Ell Summit Road Memorial Trust was set up to accumulate funds to acquire more land on the Port Hills and to provide funding towards the management of existing publicly accessible land.

For more information on the trust see: Harry Ell Trust.

To make a bequest to the Harry Ell Summit Road Memorial Trust, please use the bank account:

Harry Ell Summit Road Memorial Trust: 03-1592-0321653-00

Predator Free Port Hills

To donate to our community project Predator Free Port Hills, please use the bank account:

Predator Free Port Hills: 03-0802-0104055-01

Both the Summit Road Society and the Harry Ell Summit Road Memorial Trust are registered charities, and donations attract tax relief. The registered numbers are:

• Summit Road Society: CC 27184
• Harry Ell Summit Road Memorial Trust: CC 27183

If you need a receipt for IRD please contact the General Manager, who will be happy to provide one:

Email: manager@summitroadsociety.org.nz
Telephone: 027 389 0030




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