Linda Woods Reserve

At Ōhinetahi Reserve and Linda Woods Reserve, you may walk your dog.
Dogs must be on a short lead at all times.
Please clean up any mess and remove from the reserve.


    On 5 October 2018, the Summit Road Society took possession of Tussock Hill farm after several years of negotiation. This acquisition was made possible through donations and bequests from members, most notably the late Jack Hutchinson and past President Bill Woods QSM.

    Renamed to the Linda Woods Reserve, the 233ha property is located between the Avoca and Horotane Valleys. It is being developed into an open space reserve for the people of Christchurch to enjoy. This process is going to take time and we appreciate your patience. The reserve completes the network of reserves on the Eastern Port Hills and it’s important we take the time to get things right.

    In the meantime, the public is permitted to enter the Linda Woods Reserve. Please be aware that the reserve is not yet developed and extra care and vigilance is required. Tracks are limited and there are farming and natural hazards.

    • There is an active rockfall hazard present on the property:
      • Do not enter the reserve during periods of aftershocks.
      • Do not enter the reserve within 48 hours of heavy rain.
      • Be mindful of rock outcrops above steep terrain.
      • No stopping in areas where rock outcrops are overhead.
      • While we mitigate the rockfall hazard, please be cautious. Entry is at your own risk.
    • The terrain is steep. Mind your footing at all times.

    • There are limited farm tracks only, some of which are in rough condition. Please keep to tracks at all times.

    • The best access is from Duncan Park (off Port Hills Road). Follow the pipe to the gate into the Linda Woods Reserve. Access from Horotane Valley Road has been temporarily closed as we develop a safe pedestrian route.

    • Access is also available from the Summit Road and from Rāpaki track.

    • There are sheep onsite to keep down woody weeds and to reduce the fire risk. Please keep your distance.

    • Please be aware there are pools of water for stock purposes.

    • There are no toilets or drinking water on site.

    • Dogs are permitted but must be on the lead at all times.

    A network of tracks allows access to the Reserve from Rāpaki Track, Duncan Park, Horotane Valley Road and the Bridle Path.

    Please download a map of the tracks here: Linda Woods Reserve Tracks


    The Society is currently in the process of developing a management plan for the reserve. There will be opportunities for the public and stakeholder groups to give feedback so please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page.

    New volunteers are warmly welcomed. Tools can be supplied. Contact Graham Paltridge:

    Telephone: (03) 384 3592 or 021 0825 3931




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